The Westwood RTS community is still very much alive and active on a variety of projects.
The Community
- - Be updated on C&C news
- CnCNet - Play C&C and Dune 2000 online
- CnC World - Site with many resources
- Project Perfect Mod - The TS and RA2 modding site
- Dawn of the Tiberium Age - What happens when you merge TS, C&C1 and RA1
- Twisted Insurrection - TS total conversion exploring what would've happened if Nod won in C&C1
- The Red Alert Archive - "Largest RA1 site on the 'net!"
- Renegade X - A modern remake of C&C Renegade
- FED2k - The Dune community
- OpenRA - A modern take on classic C&C games
- EVA Database - The C&C Wiki
Interesting sites
- Nyerguds' Open Directory - Lots of resources
- Command & Conquer God - Old site mainly about the multiplayer aspects of C&C1
- Eric Gooch' TS gallery - A gallery by one of the artists behind C&C games